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About us

Fairtradedental.com: Dental Webstore – shop of dental equipment.

Our main objective is to provide dentists dental products, materials and accessories for the best possible prices.

Our staff members:

Dr. Tibor Handa
Executive Director
General Dental Practitioner


József Molnár
Commercial Administrator
Service Technician


Tamás Cziglán
Information Technologist (IT)

Our company mission statement:

I have been working as a dentist for 15 years and have seen the way of dental practices are being run. During these years, I was always wondering what could be done to make a practice more efficient. I strongly disagree with practice owners and managers who seem to think that reducing costs mean lowering employees’ salaries and contributions, while they throw money away in several other areas. I would like to share my experiences with my colleagues on this website in order to help them to avoid the bad experiences I had in the past and to save them money.

Kind regards,
r Tibor Handa
Executive Director and 

General Dental Practitioner

Our Promises: 

  • Best prices, constantly. We really are a discount store!
  • You can pay by card, bank transfer, Paypal or via Sofort Banking.
  • We offer 28 days Money-back Guarantee

Informations about the provider:

Keverőcsőr.hu:  Dental Webstore – shop of dental equipment

Business name: Fair-Trade Dental Kft
Phone number: +36-1-792-7332 (8.00-16.00) 
Fax: 06-1-792-7344
E-mail: info@fairtradedental.com
Head Office: 1089 Budapest, Orczy út 41

 Tax Identification Number: 24335296-2-42
TEAOR number: 4791- Parcel services, internet retail trade

Data protection registration number: NAIH-65163/2013
Chamber of Trade and Industry registration number: PE24335296